Thursday, September 24, 2020

Our New Normal

 September has been a STUNNING month here in Iowa.  Beautiful weather -- no bugs -- lots of breezy days -- it is SO MUCH FUN to hang the sheets out on the line...and have them dry in just a few hours. And they SMELL is a pleasure to make the bed with fresh line-dried bedding.

Fall is my favorite season. I always think it's EVERYBODY's favorite season. In times past, it was the month kids went back to school...

I remember those Septembers, when Ross and Elliott were growing up, September was all about shopping for back-to-school clothes, lining up their classroom supplies...getting the bus schedule figured out...the anticipation of the first day of school -- meeting their new was such a joy-filled, special time.

And didn't it all feel so ordinary?  So normal?

Maybe it's always been true that life looks simpler in the rear view mirror...

Because, this year, because of the pandemic, there is no such thing as a joyful "back-to-school"

Parents and teachers are worried...terrified, even. Most of the children have been isolated for months, not being able to see their friends or socialize in the usual ways.

There were no good choices for the schools. I certainly get that...

Iowa went back into the classroom.  Or, at least, they are TRYING to. It is so complicated...I'm not even going to try to explain the covid protocols...but, it's a lot.  Right now, our high school has been shut down for two weeks because of an outbreak -- even the Superintendent of Schools has Covid!  

Like everybody else in the country -- I feel so helpless...and -- what can anybody do?

For me, it's about keeping things as normal as possible...and that means, usually, Friday Night Movies and popcorn...and Saturday morning breakfast on the porch...
I am always aware that THIS IS THE SUMMER Lilly and Warren will always remember.  And, of course, I want our Grandma time to be part of those memories...

So, in my mind, our Saturday morning breakfasts on the porch have never been more important.

Every Saturday matter what else is on the breakfast menu -- THERE IS BACON..!!
Poached eggs are a favorite, (I think Lilly will want this pan when she goes away to college.)..
We often have pancakes, waffles or french toast. But a DUTCH BABY pancake is a rare treat.

So, I decided on a beautiful Saturday morning in September --it was time to make a Dutch Baby Pancake.

It's SO EASY.  Just pre-heat your cast iron frying pan in a 420 degree oven...then, pour in the batter, which is simply the popover recipe (on the sidebar of this blog for almost 10 years)...

Do NOT OPEN THE OVEN door for 25 minute...and this is what you get. 

1 comment:

  1. We make dutch babies too! Except we use a well-buttered, heated, glass pie dish for baking. It poofs more into a bowl shape. When it's done, we spritz with lemon juice and generously dust with powdered sugar. Yumm!
