Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Blogger Links, Andrew Carnegie and McKenzie Childs

Okay -- I am experimenting with HOW TO PUBLISH A LINK in this new blogger format. Unfortunately, I can't make it work yet...but here's my temporary work-around... 


This next link is all about Andrew Carnegie, and the influence he had in building libraries. But, anything I try to do just links you BACK to this blog. So --if you left click...and shade the entire link...then right'll have an option that says:  Open Link...and THAT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE STORY... 

SO -- if that works -- can I get you to the page where the wonderful McKenzie Childs auction results are all listed...?? Here goes....GOOD LUCK, NANCY HARP...

1 comment:

  1. So, on my computer when I highlight then right click, the option is "go to" and the link. It works.
