Tuesday, September 15, 2020

McKenzie Childs

Many of my BEST TRIPS OF MY LIFE have been with my friend Marion.

We have SO MANY WONDERFUL MEMORIES...and one of our best trips EVER was a fall tour of upstate New York.
Marion and I -- at the McKenzie Child headquarters in Aurora, New York...
From their website: As you enter the winding brick driveway, you’ll know you are arriving at a very special place. Our dairy barn houses our production studio—where today, handmade, hand decorated majolica pottery, furniture, and home furnishings are crafted by our talented artisans. The grounds—open to the public—are home to sprawling gardens, a Second-Empire Farmhouse furnished with MacKenzie-Childs designs that is open for tours, and a retail shop filled with our tableware, home furnishings, and gifts.

Before our visit there -- I didn't know anything about McKenzieChild....but I'm pretty sure you could buy a new car for what this fabulous chair would cost...
I simply cannot imagine a porch where this wouldn't FIT IN BEAUTIFULLY...
Marion loves a beautiful rug -- and this place specializes in vibrant, high quality rugs...
There is a good reason for this stroll back in time.... Really...you're not gonna believe what happened....


  1. So close to me. The sale each year draws thousands. The furniture is so you, Rita.

  2. So close to me. The sale each year draws thousands. The furniture is so you, Rita.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
