Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Old Fashioned Sunday DRIVE

This summer has been ALL ABOUT THE ROAD TRIPS...and, of course -- I'm fine with that...
Because, and I may have mentioned this a time or two -- Elliott GAVE ME A CAR....


When I was a kid -- taking a "Sunday Drive" was something our family did fairly often. I don't remember that we had a particular destination in mind...but I do remember that Dad was a little short on patience.

John and I usually take a drive up "north" every Fall. Although it's a little early to see the leaves turning...I decided Sunday was the perfect day to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE.

I picked a new place for us to eat breakfast. Jenny's Diner in Clinton, Iowa. AND IT WAS AMAZING.  I had their specialty -- eggs, home fries and kielbasa!! DELISH...

This is the first year I did all the driving...(John is holding my breakfast leftovers)

After breakfast -- we drove to Eagle Point Park. The kids and I often visit this park -- but John hasn't been there for many years. The damage from the August 11th Derecho was still evident everywhere...

There are several bluff overlooks -- with spectacular views of the Mississippi River.


Then -- as we rounded a corner -- we had a BIG SURPRISE...

I got out my phone/camera as quick as I could...he was crossing the road right in front of the car.


I think seeing a fox is a very rare thing.   But -- YOU JUST NEVER KNOW, DO YOU?? 

The last time I saw a fox on the road -- he was dead...squished...I was in New York...and Carol Godsave was driving. (she didn't actually kill the fox...but I remember taking a picture!)


  1. I was leaving our neighborhood very early one morning and a fox crossed right in front of me. It kinda stopped and looked at me and then continued on its way. At the time I was absolutely flabbergasted since we live in a very suburban neighborhood. Since then I've seen the foxes (I've come to know that several live in the area) many times.

  2. One year when we were driving home late from theater in Seattle, it was snowing so hard that I-5 freeway was covered. We were barely going 35 mph when we saw a fox cross the freeway. We were shocked. He made it across fine, because we were all driving so slow.

  3. Where was that rock building behind the fox?

    1. That is "the castle" in Eagle Point Park, Clinton, Iowa. Built during the Works Progress Administration days. It has a circular staircase inside -- and up top, it provides a breathtaking view of the Mississippi. It's a popular spot for wedding photos.
