Saturday, November 2, 2019

Why No Servants?

The Hegeler mansion did NOT have any servants quarters. There was no back-of-the-house staircase to get up to their tiny attic rooms.

As a matter of fact, the whole time Tricia was giving us the tour, she never used the word "servant". Although it took 15 people to run this gigantic 57 room mansion -- the people who worked here were always called "STAFF".

The Hegeler family paid a living wage, because they wanted to build a middle class in LaSalle, Illinois.  Their employees earned enough money to buy homes of their own.

Also, olng before health insurance or paid vacation came into play -- they provided "BENEFITS".  The paid employees'  medical bills....and GET THIS -- 

If an employee had a child who wanted to attend college -- the company PAID THE TUITION.

And guess what?? THEY'RE STILL DOING IT. According to Tricia -- the Carus Chemical Company and the Open Door Publishing Company still take care of their employees in all those important ways.

I'm telling you...this family history was impressive....
This was a photograph if the kitchen staff, taken at the turn of the Century...
And I loved seeing the EXACT table that was photographed over 100 years ago...
Also in the kitchen was the elaborate "bell system".  Just like Downton Abbey...
Every room had it's own medallion -- and we got to hear a sample of what it sounded like when somebody rang the bell.
The stove weighs several tons...
Tomorrow -- my favorite room in the house!!

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