Saturday, November 9, 2019


Hey -- when I said I was thinking of NAMING my house -- I was kinda joking around.  BUT NOW I'M SERIOUS.

I Googled it.

Seriously.  THERE ARE WEBSITES.....

Telling you how to come up with a good name for your house!!

THIS IS SO MUCH FUN....check out this website:

Their concept is to have 3 words in your new "name".  The first word should describe the Scene, the second the location, the third the STYLE.

So, you'd end up with:

Bright Beach Cottage
Shady Woods Cabin
Restful Mountain Shack
Scenic Hilltop Castle

Most of the websites are from the U.K.  So, apparently naming your home is a VERY BIG THING in England.  (Think Windsor Castle and Downton Abbey)...

So, for myself -- I could still go with the address..."Pineo Grove Court"

Or, I could make it shorter....more descriptive....maybe employ some alliteration..."Farro Farmette", "Hoarder's Hideaway", "Horseweed Haven".

Hummm...I can see this is going to require some thinking on my part.  And then, there's all that RETRAINING I'll have to do...teaching the world to call my home by it's proper name and all that...

As luck would have it -- I just interviewed Eleanor Burns for the next issue of Inspired To Sew Magazine, and, as it turns out -- her happy place is a weekend getaway called "Bear's Paw Ranch"...

I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner...

From now on, I'm referring to my home as -- "Pineo Grove Court"


  1. We tend to call our abode Casa Mendoza. Rather amusing, as we are aren't Hispanic (Jim's Filipino),don't speak Spanish, and there is nothing remotely Hispanic about our house. Just kind of happened.

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  3. I love this....thinking mine should be Happy Hampton can't think of another H word for scene.....
