Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Cost of the Totem Pole...

We really did worry that LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE would want the Totem Pole. So, we agreed in advance to have a secret "code" we could signal Dean to KEEP BIDDING....

To begin with, we each were completely willing to spend $100.  So we told him to go to $300 for sure.  After that, we'd initiate our secret code...

Dean, looking stunned, said, "Really?  I don't think I can bid $300 for that thing."

In unison, the three of us said, "Yes, you can..."

But the truth is, there were only two bidders...and, at the end, Dean bought our Totem Pole for $17.50.

Yep.  $17.50.

So, we each paid our share...and put it in rotation.  It went to Deena's house the first year.  (1998) -- then, I had it for a year, then Ronda had it for a year.
We would write on the back of the Totem when it changed hands...
Our plan WORKED PERFECTLY.  For awhile...

And then this happened....

Deena kept it.

There was never any discussion about it...but, at some point, we forgot to do the exchange...and the Totem ended up living at Deena's house.

Three weeks ago, the kids went with me to an estate sale and I bought a tiny little 2" tall Totem Pole.  I told the Bimidji Totem Pole story to Lilly and Warren.

It was a Friday. The kids always spend the night on Friday. Deena and Ned always go out with their friends on Friday night...


Maybe Lilly and I should sneak into Deena's house and STEAL THE TOTEM POLE....!!


So, we went to Deena's, found her hidden house key, and with flashlights in hand, entered the dark house to look for the Totem Pole...
It was right where it always is...standing proudly in her Family Room...
We took the big Totem Pole, and put the little two-inch Totem in it's place...


Lilly was delighted with our late-night adventure.  And when we got the Totem Pole back to my house, I was shocked to discover that Deena's had the damn thing since 2009...!!


That's ten years, people!!

So, if I keep it for the NEXT ten years -- and then Ronda keeps it for TEN years after that -- Deena will get her next turn in the year 2039...!!


  1. The Saga of the TOtem Pole - loved each installment! Thanks, Rita!

  2. we need to know Deena's reaction!

  3. OMG, I am laughing out loud, and my hubby is wondering if he should be worried! What stories you tell! From Sue who used to live in Milwaukee. Keep writing, I love it. :-)
