Tuesday, November 26, 2019

GREAT Memories

Getting Aunt Rozella's Silver was as turning point in my life.

For one thing -- I will never forget the day I discovered she actually OWNED real silver.

There it was -- this wooden box chock full of elegant, expensive, quality SILVER.

Using one of those "money then vs. now" calculators on the internet -- $2200 in 1953 is equivalent to $21.645.00 in today's world.

HOW PRECIOUS THIS Spring Glory Silver must have been to her??

Yet -- she NEVER used it. We didn't even know she had it. All those years -- hiding under the bed -- waiting for what? A special occasion? Would she have used it if Elvis came for dinner?

I had this overwhelming feeling of sadness. Because that silver, which Aunt Rozella owned for over 40 years -- was so important to her -- yet, in all that time -- there isn't a single happy memory attached to it...

From the moment I bought it -- my plan was to have LOTS OF GREAT MEMORIES...


  1. Dear Rita, May you and your family have a wonderful and memory-filled Thanksgiving and continue making many happy memories!


    KathyBB (aka: kbb)
