Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Me,Lilly and Music Education

About Lilly and the music.

Every Saturday it's the same thing...she controls the radio and I get schooled. This world has clearly passed me by...and I'm sure that's normal.

Each generation LOVES their own music -- but has very little interest in what came before.  Or, in my current situation -- what comes AFTER...

Lilly not only knows the lyrics and the artists -- but she has such OPINIONS about everything...

So -- a song came on the radio and I kinda liked it.

Lilly started to change the channel.  I said, "don't you like this song?"

She said, "Not just never gets going."

Me:   "what do you mean?""

Lilly: "You expect her to pop off after the drop, but.she just stays in the same tone all the way through..."

So, now, I'm interested..."who is singing?"

Lilly: Selena Gomez (I could almost hear the eye-roll)....

Me:  What's wrong with Selena Gomez?

Lilly:  Well, for one thing -- the song is about her breaking up with Justin Bieber. You do know she's written at least five songs about him, right? I mean -- GET OVER IT already...

Now, as Lilly and I are having this conversation -- the song is playing in the background....suddenly, she turned up the volume and said, "and listen to this, Grandma..."

The lyrics were:  I needed to hate you to love me...

Lilly turned off the radio and said, (derisively) -- Have you ever heard her do an interview? I'm pretty sure in the history of the world, nobody ever loved herself more than Selena Gomez does...


  1. Lilly's observations always make me smile. She's a smart girl. What's her opinion of Taylor Swift getting AMA's artist of the decade?
