Tuesday, March 2, 2021

February 2021: The John Update

February 2021: In Review...

The big event was that John fell in the tub and I had to call 911. They took him to the hospital, where he spent 5 days in ICU, mostly because he tested positive for Covid. Although, he had no Covid symptoms and the speculation is that his test was a result of antigens...maybe he had it when I did last November? We'll never know.

When he came home from the hospital, they set us up with Visiting Nurses...for a few weeks anyway.

There's a nice young man (Marcus) who comes to do P.T., and another nice young man (Brian) who comes to do O.T. John is eager to show them both how well he can do...but, on the days they don't come, he refuses to do any of the exercises...ugh...

He had a follow up visit with his regular doctor -- Dr. Geick. He has been our family physician for over 15 years, and his own father died of Alzheimer's. Dr. G. went over the loooong list of medications the hospital sent John home with (14 of them) -- and he eliminated all but Metformin and insulin. "there's no point in fighting with John about taking pills that aren't going to help him, Rita"

Dr. G. asked if we had nursing home insurance (no). Then, he encouraged me to get John enrolled in the V.A....and he also urged me to contact and tour local nursing homes....so I "would have some knowledge" when the time comes...


Bathing is a problem. Although, I was pleasantly surprised on the day of John's doctor visit -- because John agreed to take a shower -- and I know he enjoyed it!! But, alas, that was an anomaly...

Also, this is the month John started to wear Depends without much of a complaint. AND I AM SO GRATEFUL for that. He gets up during the night a dozen different times. I'm right behind him every time -- as a clean up is often required. THANK GOD for paper towels, Febreeze and washing machines...

There were two big changes for me this month.

#1: After bringing John home from the hospital, I realized I can no longer leave him alone at the house. I knew that day was coming, but I'd hoped it was a little further down the road.

#2: This is the first month that I've had to give John his insulin shot every night. Even when things were bad for him, he could always manage to do his own shot...but that is no longer the case.


I can do this. I WANT to do this. The reality is -- I'VE DONE IT BEFORE.

Honestly -- it's exactly like babysitting for a toddler. I have to worry about all the same things...problems with language, baby gate at the bottom of the stairs to keep him from falling...potty training...diapers...odd sleeping habits...pee everywhere...and you can't leave them alone in the house for even a minute...

For crying out loud -- I figure between raising my own two boys, babysitting for various nieces and nephews -- then all the time I spent taking care of Lilly and Warren -- I'm giving myself credit for at least ten years of top-quality toddler babysitting....

But I cannot figure out how to keep John engaged...or busy...and even when I'm home with him all the time -- he's not interacting with me. I'm on my computer, or sewing, or working on a puzzle. He just sits and watches endless episodes of the Lone Ranger...
After our Dr.G. visit, I did make some phone calls...AND HERE'S SOME REALLY GOOD NEWS...

There is a non-profit organization in Davenport that runs a dementia daycare (Jane's Place). It's a family setting, with a living room, dining room, pool table. They are set up to handle Alzheimer's issues -- meds, help with toileting, etc. They have a varied schedule of activities, based on holidays and the participants interests. They have from 12 to 20 participants on most days. They are open M-F from 7-5.
They follow a schedule: 9:30 snacks....one hour of morning activities. Music, billiards, gardening, storytelling, exercising...12:00 -- hot lunch, one hour of rest. Another one hour afternoon activity session...snacks at 3:30...pick up at 5:00.
Although Jane's Place has been closed due to Covid -- they are re-opening on March 17th!!

I talked to a very knowledgeable, compassionate young woman who told me if John qualifies for VA benefits, they would pay for 3 days a week. To get started, we can private pay -- the fee is only $75 per day!!

I cried when I hung up the phone.

So -- that's the March Mission. Get John signed up for the V.A....and make some new friends at Jane's Place.


  1. You have a way of turning a hard situation into a manageable one with the way you think. I am impressed and inspired! Thank you for sharing your journey!

  2. Rita, you are such a strong lady. I know we've never met but I just want to hug you! You are amazing! You can do anything with God's help. Thanks for the update.🌻 I was reading the other day about Alzheimer's & dementia and it says some patients like to "play" with the bigger size Lego blocks. Just a thought. I pray for & think of you & John often. Much love.🌷

  3. OMG Rita. Jane’s Place sounds like a godsend for you and John. Don’t let the VA turn you down. But you probably already know your way around.

    You are fortunate you have a good family doctor who quickly saw John was over medicated. Sadly far too many seniors are in that situation. Happened to my mom, too. I live several states away so I probably noticed the difference more when I would visit than my close by siblings. Mom was never going to get better, but she didn’t need to be so doped up and groggy. Always something. Always.
    Digital hugs.

  4. Just let me say, good luck with the VA! Jane's Place sounds wonderful.

  5. Rita, your positive attitude is serving you well during this most difficult time. I would like to share a personal story. When I worked as a massage therapist, one of my clients hired me to work with her mom who lived in an Alzheimer's care home. "Mary" was not engaged at all unless we sang songs together. She would be especially animated when we sang her favorite, "Bicycle Built for Two."
    What a blessing that you discovered Jane's Place.
