Warren turned 4 in January. In Iowa, we have free pre-K in our public schools. So, Warren goes to school 4 days a week. AND HE LOVES IT. Although the school provides bus transportation in the morning, the parents have to pick the kids up at 11:00.
Friday is MY DAY to pick Warren up. And we got off to a rocky start...
The first time I went there...I was in the lobby, Warren walked out of the door, proudly wearing his Thomas Train backpack...and when he saw me, his face collapsed, and as he ran into my arms, he was crying real tears, saying these words,
"I didn't want you...I wanted my Mommy..."
Really. This was his actual face on Week #2. He was SO SAD that I was picking him up, NOT his Mom... |
So, I did what any good Grandma would do -- I started to bribe him with food. I told him that IF HE COULD ACT HAPPY, I would stop and buy him a donut at Casey's. (don't judge me)
Week #3, Warren came out with a smile on his face, and said, "Grandma, can I get sprinkles on my donut?" |
I was delighted with his new, happy attitude...and also impressed that he had remembered, for a whole week, the promise I'd made. I said, 'OF COURSE YOU CAN GET SPRINKLES, BUDDY...'
We had lunch on the porch...and he demolished the delicious donut. When I teased him about sharing it with me...he gave me a bite... |
Technically, I guess this IS sharing... |
On this day, he found a giant bug in the yard. |
A 6 inch praying mantis... |
Fridays are my new favorite day of the week. |
And I'm going to enjoy every minute...because I know this is a brief, brief moment in my life.
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