Two years ago, I decided we should get a dog. John and I had not discussed this plan...because I KNEW he was adamant about us NEVER having another dog. (that's a long story...)
I thought I wanted a rescue dog...but the dogs in the local shelters were either too old, or part pit-bull....
Then, the other problem is those darned PUPPY MILLS. Gheesh...Craig's List is full of people who pretend they are "rehoming" a dog -- but they're actually running a puppy mill. Iowa has over 1200 of them...and it's a hard thing to avoid...
So, I went old-school. And looked in the classified ads...
Which is where we found Roger and Maureen...and their litter of adorable mixed-breedpuppies... |
Linda and Lilly went with me to bring him home. (Linda's dog, Jack, was not a fan) |
John was furious. (that's an understatement).
It took a few days before we could settle on a name. Ross suggested Frank Albert Sinatra Farro. That was perfect...and he brings SO MUCH TO OUR LIVES...
He keeps a constant eye on the place, and only barks when somebody drives in. |
He sits on the arm of my chair and helps me write this blog...every day. He is my constant companion. |
Ross played this game with Frankie when he was a little puppy -- and Frankie still thinks he fits!! |
Wherever Warren is -- Frankie is nearby. When the kids spend the night, Frankie sleeps in their room until they're both asleep...then, he comes out and gets up on my lap. |
But, of course, Frankie's biggest fan is -- JOHN. Lilly often brings Sophie with her, and Frankie wants her to know THIS IS HIS SPOT... |
Recently, I took Frankie to the vet because he was chewing on his foot. The doctor thought it was allergies, but the Benadryl did not help.
Frank got worse -- and would let out a big YIP every now and then, like he was in pain. My vet went on vacation, so I made an appointment with another vet. As I was walking out the door, John said,
"whatever he needs, Rita. I heard they can do an MRI at the Emergency Animal Hospital in Iowa City....don't worry about the money..."
Yes. I know who I'm married to...
I am hoping this has a happy ending. Have spent thousands on pets over the past 30+ years