Thursday, November 2, 2017

Best Costume!!

Halloween is BIG BUSINESS. According to Google, the average American spends $74 on costumes, candy and decorations. SERIOUSLY??

It seems like every vacant building in town turns into one of those temporary "Halloween Express" stores..

I know people have a lot of choices...and they're really busy nowadays...but, still -- I miss a good old-fashioned homemade costume.

One year, Ross went as the "Tin Man" from the Wizard of Oz. It was a box covered with aluminum foil, and a colander for a hat.  That year,  his friend Neal had a cardboard box costume that looked like a Rubic's Cube.

Last week, at Lilly's school Halloween party -- there was only ONE cardboard box costume...and I LOVED IT..!!...
His name is Nate...and, altho you can't see it from this angle...his costume is a take-off on those video arcade machines -- remember the Whack-a-Mole..?
This is the view of the FRONT of Nate's costume.
That's right -- he came as a "Whack A Nate" video game.
His Mom took his picture (wearing the same shirt and tie) -- and cut around his profile, and taped them onto the box...There was even a rubber club attached!!
I know it's wrong to judge a book by it's cover. Or a family by the Halloween Costume.  But, honestly -- wouldn't you love to meet Nate's Mom?

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