Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Goodbye Nancy

I won't be posting a blog for a couple of days.

Nancy Zieman died...and I'm just too sad.

Anything I might blog about seems unimportant...and just too trivial.

Many other people are writing beautiful tributes...and if you want to read them, or add to them, please go to her blog...


Nancy Zieman Blog


  1. Such a loss--she will truly be missed. I had the privilege of taking classes from her at ASG Conferences and Sew Expo in Puyallup. She was always warm, friendly, and had a great sense of humor. I was in the class in Puyallup when you (Rita) and Mary Mulari forgot you had a class. While the volunteers were looking for you, Nancy came into the classroom and told blonde jokes until you could be located. What a trooper!! At ASG Conference, she was awarded a lifetime achievement award. After receiving the award, she entertained us by describing her exploits in starting Nancy's Notions.
    The sewing community has lost one of it's best and brightest, and that you have lost one of your closest friends. Thoughts and prayers to her family and everyone who "knew" her.
    (in Salt Lake City)
