Thursday, December 17, 2020

That was Then -- This is NOW

I am a writer. I write every day (as you know) -- it's how I stay centered. For many years -- writing my nearly-daily-blog about nothing in particular brought me great joy.  But, for these last weeks, I've mostly been writing a daily journal about this sad journey John and I are on.

The thing is -- I don't want this blog to turn into a Depressing Dementia Diary. Trust me -- you do NOT WANT to read a blow-by-blow about my life right now.

So -- I'm gonna figure out how to balance things...and, hopefully, this blog will become my DIVERSION...

Which would be a really, really good thing...

Thanks for taking the time to write to me...especially you, Miss Arizona...


Happiness is letting go of what you assume your life is supposed to be like right now and sincerely appreciating it for everything that it is. At the end of the day, before you close your eyes, smile and be at peace with where you've been and grateful for what you have.

--Angel Chernoff

AND -- I can do that!! 


  1. Rita, thank you for sharing this wonderful advice. We all need to apply this in whatever situation each of us is in right now. It always just takes a quick look around to see others who are in situations much harder than ours. I think, like you from an earlier post, that Acceptance is a great word right now. God Bless You and Your Family.

  2. Such good advice. I pray you find balance and peace.
