Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas 2020

I'd like to get back to some regular blog writing...and THANKS AGAIN for missing my posts. Writing has always helped center me...but life is upside down right now.

We'll see how it goes. Now that I have all of you worried about John and my BIL (brother-in-law) Dean -- the least I can do is give you a mini-report.

Dean. After deciding they couldn't do surgery, the hospital fitted him for a brace Saturday morning and talked about sending him home. (rehab centers are no longer an option during these Covid times).  But, the brace is not holding his broken back in place...and if it moves even a fraction, he could be paralyzed.  So he's still in the Iowa City hospital.

John: He didn't participate much in Christmas. He's lost time awareness...and often goes to bed at 5:00 PM...sometimes waking up at 3:30. Words elude him...and he sits in his chair (watching Dr. Pol) for hours on end. Yesterday, he asked me if I had sisters...


My sister, Deena, bringing two pans of cheesy hashbrowns on Christmas Eve
My sister in law, Jeanne, delivering her Green Salad (in exchange for steak, shrimp and some cheesy hashbrowns)
The steaks were such a hit,  I think they will be a permanent Christmas Eve thing from now on.
Lilly set the table with my new HO HO HO napkins (thanks, Carrie) -- and Aunt Rozella's good silver.