Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lilly's 11th Birthday

I'm taking a Coronavirus break today. Really...since everything feels so ABNORMAL right now -- I've decided to just blog about NORMAL for a few days...


The week of Lilly's Birthday -- we had no idea how much our lives were about to change. Honestly...we just went about our business -- willy nilly. Having parties -- getting together. Going place and doing things...


March 9 is Lilly's actual birthday. And I usually make her a steak dinner.
I can't believe I took a picture of the table!
These are filet Mignon steaks. Wowza!!
Some fresh veggies, too
And HUGE shrimp.
Time to open gifts. Warren may have thought he was not getting enough attention...
Lilly loved her gift. I bought her a professional kazoo.
Because -- yes -- I am THAT kind of Grandma!!


  1. Really pretty birthday table. Looks like Lily and Warren had a great time. Awesome looking meal. They are so lucky to have you!! 💙It is nice to read about something happy. My mind has just been in a "frozen" state lately. Fear of the unknown i suppose. Have a good evening.🌻🌷

    1. "frozen" is a good word for how we're all feeling, Angie.
