My baby sister Deena RETIRED!! After 30 years of hard work in the Agricultural industry -- much of it with ADM (Archer Daniels Midland)-- she was offered an "early retirement" -- and SHE TOOK IT..!!
To celebrate, I invited Deena and Ronda to my house for a porch supper. |
I made our mother's macaroni/chicken salad (you know the one -- it has walnuts and grapes)...and, of course, POPOVERS...
Which, in my opinion, GO GREAT WITH EVERYTHING..!! |
We ALWAYS have a wonderful time when we get together. |
Ronda, to celebrate this milestone moment, made one of her signature ragged edge flannel blankets for Deena. |
Here's a better picture. Ronda makes these blankets so often, it's like she lives in a flannel factory...she shops the flannel, then pre-washes it, then cuts it...well, you get my drift. |
Every block is personal for the PERSON she's making it for. In Deena's case, there were lots of farm prints...many sewing motifs, some baking... |
When Ronda told me she was making a blanket for Deena, I said, "sure...give her a wonderful gift... just to make me look bad".
See -- After I found the wonderful Kenmore for Carrie (Kenny #1), Ronda wanted one -- which, as you know -- we found the next week (Kenny #2).
Thanks to Facebook, I've realized what fabulous machines these old Kenmores were. ALL three of us sewed on a Kenmore #158....for about 20 years...
I found Kenny #3 -- again, at the Goodwill store -- for only $20.88. AND -- YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE ME -- but it was in pristine condition. My original intention was to keep it for myself.
This #158 is model #17810. |
It looks EXACTLY like the one I used to sew on!! |
BUT if I give this one to Deena -- I'LL STILL BE ABLE TO HUNT FOR ONE for myself. And, honestly, isn't the HUNT half the fun??
It took Deena 20 years to wear out her first Kenmore... |
And I am hoping she enjoys this Kenny for another 20 years...
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