Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Demorest's Family Magazine

One of the things I LOVE TO BUY at flea markets or in antique malls is old magazines...

So you can imagine my surprise when I saw this issue of "Demorest's Family Magazine" -- in excellent was a large size...I picked it up and realized

It was from OCTOBER 1898!!
I happily paid the $5 the vendor was asking for the magazine...and I could hardly wait to to buy a cup of coffee so I could sit down and read it.

I love the way they wrote stories back in those days....this profile of a successful woman writer was fascinating...

Products that no longer exist -- like "skirt protectors"?? The illustrations are so detailed -- I wonder if we could even do it nowadays. Another lost art, I suppose...

Here's a product I think we should bring back....

I'd be a big fan of anything that could make children "enjoy cleaning"...

And I wonder if this product is still around..??

1 comment:

  1. I bet Amy from Indygo Junction would love to see your find. That is just way cool awesome!
    Laura in Puyallup
