Friday, July 2, 2021

2021 Porch Party

I am always aware that this is our last summer in this house....and getting ready to MOVE....disposing of all the stuff we've accumulated over the last 50 years is a lot of work. I try to do something every day...and now I have a deadline. The Auction house will send a truck on July 24th to pick up the FIRST LOAD...ugh...

But -- in the meantime -- I also try to ENJOY the things we've always enjoyed doing in this house. And by that -- I mean -- PORCH PARTIES...

I love this picture of John, standing in front of the porch...

Cal and Jeanne and Deena and Ned came for a pizza party on the porch.

John really didn't know who they were...(the fact that I have siblings is like a news story for him)

Deena took this was really one of our first nice spring days. (this is a nice picture of my favorite Frankensewed tops...I added the black side panel)...

P.S. Ross came for supper last night, and he brought MY NEW SWIVEL I can start the reupholstery project. Here's a video (maybe)


  1. Video worked. Can hardly wait to see the next installment. Great porch pictures.

  2. I wish I had such an awesome porch for entertaining. Enjoy it and soon you will have a new Party place :) I love the swivel chair, Ross did good. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
