Monday, February 8, 2021

Rita's Vintage Buffet Project: The First REVEAL

To Review, the inspiration for my Vintage Buffet Project was MY FABULOUS NEW RUG..!!
I cannot tell you how much I LOVE THIS RUG.  It makes me smile every single day.  THANK YOU, Wayfair!!

Phase One of my Vintage Buffet Project is complete. Here are the three drawers...


I am CRAZY in love with this project..!!

Here's another major reveal --  The fabulous rug was the first thing I purchased for our new home.  I cannot manage another winter in this house.  

John doesn't know it yet -- but he and I will be moving into town next Fall.  Our new place is being built and I am VERY EXCITED about it. Everything will be on one level -- and it will be much easier for me to care for him there...

My Vintage Buffet will obviously be going with us.  I look at it as a bridge between our past and our future...

You've got to admit -- the zebra drawer really grounded the geometric design...

I am oddly content with the buffet right now. Although I am SURE the top of it will be hasn't been revealed to me what the side doors should look like... 

So, I'm taking a buffet break.  

I'm also at peace with my decision to move into town.  And I'M HAPPY TO HAVE A WHOLE YEAR to get things organized here.  I've been busy sorting and packing...40 years in this house.  Moving is gonna be A BIG JOB,,

Tomorrow, I'll write about our new place...


  1. That looks AWESOME. You are so creative! Happy to hear about the new place too.

  2. Love it!! And excited to hear more about your new place!
