Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Substitute was better than the Original...

My plan was to have a classic 4th of July campfire -- hotdogs and s'mores...

On our way home, we stopped at the grocery store -- but they were COMPLETELY OUT OF GRAHAM CRACKERS.  WHA??

Apparently -- EVERYBODY knows s'mores is almost a requirement on the 4th of July....

But, as it turned out -- our substitution actually turned out BETTER.

I know -- crazy talk, right? -- I MEAN -- WHAT COULD BE BETTER THAN S'MORES??

I bought two different kinds of chocolate-covered cookies. (the small one is a chocolate covered mint wafer).
Place a marshmallow on top of the cookie -- and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds.
The chocolate just starts to melt...and the marshmallow is so soft and gooey...
Warren said it was WAY better than a regular s'mores.
I'M NOT KIDDING YOU -- this is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G....


1 comment:

  1. I wish I hadn't seen this!!! HAHAHA ...Seriously, what a creative work-around!
