Monday, July 13, 2020

Dubuque #2: There's a FISH POND?

On the map of Eagle Point Park, there was an icon that said, "fish pond"...but I couldn't actually figure out how we could "drive" to it...

Well, folks, even on the BEST Road Trips -- some things just must be accessed on FOOT...

That's right.  We've got to hike to an area where we can see the Fish Pond, and then walk down several  intricate flights of stone stairs to get to the actual pond itself.

Okay. So we're doing this...
The stone work in this park is stunning...I cannot imagine how many workers, or how much time was spent...
There are several little water falls...
And the pond is well stocked with HUGE white and gold fish.
It's not that big -- maybe half a football field? 
But the setting -- in this shady area -- with all these stone ledges...was perfect
They deliberately made you feel (if you are an agile kid) that you really SHOULD CLIMB THE WALLS...
Grandma was a nervous wreck...and UNABLE TO KEEP UP...
There were so many interesting formations -- like this random table, built into a wall...
There were two different grand staircases going down to the fish pond
I mean, c'mon, people -- after all that stone work -- would a railing have killed you??

1 comment:

  1. You are making me so homesick. I enjoyed this park as a kid. Can't believed you lived in Iowa so long and just now discovered this beautiful area. Can stand in one spot and view Wisconsin and Illinois. Hope you saw the newer National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium downtown. If not you will have to plan another trip.
