So, Lilly is 10 now. Goodness -- where does the time go? When she was born, I was thrilled to be able to clothes for this little girl.
After raising two boys, I was ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED to think about making some frilly little dresses...
Of course, VERY EARLY ON -- I realized this child had a mind of her own...
As it turns out, she wasn't all that fond of frilly dresses. She made that VERY CLEAR... |
The key to my happiness is A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E....So -- instead of forcing her to wear things she DID NOT LIKE -- I encouraged her to go her own way.
Lilly has, over the years, developed her own sense of style...and I had very little input...
A skirt was a rare thing... |
But this happened a lot... |
She ALWAYS LOVED wearing a hat... |
I always gave her encouragement, of course... |
She soon started picking her own hats... |
She also loves decorating her shoes... |
And it's interesting to see the words she picks... |
At this point, she LOVES going to thrift stores with me -- and she picks out women's jackets. They are usually too big for her -- and sometimes, she lets me shorten the sleeves.
She LOVES this jacket!! |
But most of the time, she likes wearing them oversized

And -- oh, boy -- this girl STILL LOVES A HAT..!!.
One of my favorite 4-H contests is Creative Consumer. The kid shops for an outfit, fills out paperwork with a few consumer-related questions about the purchase and interviews with the contest judge. They have find great value for their dollar - most do thrift store shopping. They learn about reading labels - fiber content, washing instructions; quality of construction - looking for seam quality, loose threads, zippers, buttons, etc; does the outfit work with their existing wardrobe and lifestyle or is it a need for an event. I have seen some great and unique outfits. Unfortunately, I can't seem to convince my kids to enter this contest.