Last year, John bought a new snowblower. It's a really nice one, with a big motor an electric start, etc. Cost wise, it is the equivalent to a pretty nice embroidery machine. He loves it...

This has been a big snow year here in Iowa. The first snow came before Christmas -- and the ground has been covered ever since -- with two actual "blizzards" that caused school cancelations. And John has LOVED being able to use his new snowblower to clear a path to our cars...

Really. John is retired now -- and in the winter -- he misses being able to golf. Getting bundled to go outside and walk up and down, repeatedly, and over and over again...well, he LOVES IT...AND we have both been delighted that he has this useful new machine...

Even with the winter we've had, it struck me the other day that he's probably had about four actual "sessions" with his new snowblower.
All I'm saying is -- think how much MORE USE WE WOMEN GET out of our sewing/ embroidery machines and sergers. But I know feel guilty spending the money, and you say to yourself, "if I spent that much money, I'd have to sew every single day..."
FORGET THE GUILT. Pretend you are a guy and you need a new snowblower.
Because, dog-gone it. You've worked hard and YOU DESERVE IT.
Whether you use your machines every single day or four times a year -- when it's time to do a project -- you should get the BEST ONE YOU CAN AFFORD.
I remember you asking a lady once, "Does your husband have a boat?" The light bulb really goes off! :)