I WAS NOT kidding about Judy's Sew 'n Tell. She is amazing -- this is a great picture of her and my sister Ronda at our Mary-Mulari-is-in-town-breakfast.

Mary loved Judy's personalized STITCHED wedding card. The design was stitched from our Ya Ya Embroidery card...

I tried to get a better picture -- but the adorable little bluebird barely shows up. GREAT PICTURE OF JUDY, THO, eh?

And, of course, she had a fabulous Christmas wall hanging...see the reindeer?

But she was NOT DONE YET -- she knew Mary would be interested to see what she did with a plain sweatshirt -- and a double needle. GO SCHMETZ..!!

and -- a simple project that is great for using up sewing scraps -- this woven hot pad was a fun thing to see. I made Judy do a demonstration -- and if I can figure it out (again) -- I'll post a video...

Last -- one of the Ya Ya favs -- recycled wool mittens!! GO GREEN, JUDY...

Judy sent the MOST ADORABLE CHRISTMAS STOCKING for Lillian. I wanted a plastic pocket so I could put in a different picture from year to year -- and within a few days -- IT WAS AT MY HOUSE.
Tomorrow I'll post pictures of Lillian with her beautiful one-of-a-kind Christmas stocking...you will see it and instantly say to yourself, "yep. that's for Rita's grand-daughter"...
AND I HAVEN'T EVEN TOLD JUDY THAT I RECEIVED THE STOCKING...I'm calling you today, Judy!! I am sooo sorry for this tardy note.......YOU ARE THE BEST SEWER I PERSONALLY KNOW....and I'm looking forward to a catchup on the phone!!
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