Yesterday was a very frustrating day. We encountered some problems with the new online registration for Sew Expo...and I've gotta say -- well, on second thought -- the less said the better.
But, there are days when I need to either think BACK...or think FORWARD...just to get my brain into that "Calgon-take-me-away" peaceful moment.
So I decided to do both. I'm thinking BACK to my last visit to the beautiful Tacoma area...I was there for the 2011 Planning meeting. Remember that weather? Sunny and warm. My friend Violet and I were both playing with our new cameras...

Here's my best picture of the day....Joanne and Violet with Ron and Sonny...relaxing in the back yard.

Which has a SPECTACULAR view of the Tacoma Narrows...

We had such a nice day -- the weather was stunning. The yards in this neighborhood could all be models for postcards, people. It is truly a beautiful part of the world...

AND I AM DELIGHTED to be going back there soon for the 2011 Sewing & Stitchery Expo. I know how anxious all of you are to SIGN UP FOR YOUR CLASSES. Please be patient. Nobody wants it more than the Expo team. So far, the problems are minor -- but we are fixing them. HEY -- THERE ARE ALWAYS PROBLEMS.
My Dad used to tell me..."if it was easy, Rita, anybody could do it."
So I'm looking flying into Seattle on a beautiful March once again attend and be a part of the BIGGEST AND BEST SEWING SHOW in America.
P.S. -- see you then, Violet!!
Thanks for the peaceful pictures. Today the northwest is back to rain and gray skies. We always look forward to that next beautiful sunny day and know that it will come sometime in the next several months. I tried to bring pictures into my blog and they went up sideways??? Oh well, I will keep on trying. I also tried to search for my blog using my name and the only way it was available to me was to give my Id and password. So how do others find me on this blog? You do not have to answer. I am just venting my frustration.