Wednesday, September 1, 2021


This week is off to a rip roaring wonderful start. Carrie came back on Monday to clean the house (she's had some family issues and wasn't here for 2 weeks).

Because she was here, and John was having lunch with a friend, I was able to GO TO THE POOL. Which was so great!! School started last week, so there were no YMCA Camp Kids -- and for about 30 minutes, I was the only person in the big pool!!

Then, Tuesday was the TMBC. We've been on a restaurant tour this summer. We take turns choosing a place to eat. This week we choose Cracker Barrel. A treat for me is their eggs-in-a-basket with their delicious hashbrown casserole. Yummo...

I didn't take a picture of their version -- but it was EXCELLENT...

This is a picture of my own version.  This was the first think I learned to "cook"  (maybe I was 10 years old)...and I never could get Lilly and Warren to love it as much as I did.


And -- of course -- since I'M STILL ON A MARY MULARI CRISS CROSS APRON KICK...there had to be a Sew and Tell...

I could not rsist taking a picture of us in our window reflection.
From left to right: LK's apron was made out of a curtain panel, LP's apron was a linen tablecloth, and Sandy's apron was a mash-up of all the leftover scraps.
This was my best selfie (yes, I know it sucks) you can't see the apron I'm wearing.  But it was made out of a green linen tablecloth.  AND it had an extra inside-the-big-pocket...cellphone pocket.


  1. I also love the toad in the hole eggs. I use my small size biscuit cutter to make the hole...:) My kids think I have mad cooking skills when I make them! They also love leftovers so I don't take them too seriously.

    1. Toad in the hole!! I love it...If I'd had that cute name for the dish, Lilly and Warren might have been more enthusiastic...

  2. What a happy and fun post this is, Rita! I don't think I've Ever fixed eggs that way--although I remember seeing the picture of it in our Betty Crocker Children's Cookbook that my brother and I got for Christmas in the later 50s (and which is now in My collection!).

    I am so jealous. I LOVE Cracker Barrel, and I think our closest one is in Idaho....about 300 miles away! Phooey....
