The truth is -- most things in life REMEMBER better than they LIVED. I especially find this is true of dead husbands. (that's another topic altogether)...
But it's also true of some Grandma Camp events. I hope.
Because sometimes -- we head off to an event that has been promoted, or heavily advertised -- and we have BIG EXPECTATIONS..
Take, for example, the recent "Farm Days" in the Village of East Davenport...
Free family fun for all ages. Petting zoo, rope making, pedal tractors,
tractor ride around, wagon rides, games, entertainment, Dynamometer, kids
"drive a tractor", working farm displays, kids tractor pull, rock
crusher, arts and crafts, learn to milk a cow, and more.
That sounds WONDERFUL, doesn't it? And it was a beautiful weekend...the end of summer...
There were many big tractors to climb on... |
Old and new -- the street was lined with tractors. |
When I was a kid, my Mom had this model -- and she drove it every morning to feed the turkeys. Four of us would straddle the hood of the tractor. YIKES... |
I told the kids that story... |
They were not impressed. But, as it turned out, that was gonna be the highlight of the day... |
The "petting zoo was a disappointment..." |
The promised "games" were pitiful...(this is an 8 piece jigsaw puzzle -- there were four of them) |
But the WORST activity was the advertised "crafts". |
A local high school FFA group had a booth with three teenagers sitting in chairs (all on their phones). There were no children standing in line...I should have taken that as a sign...When I cleared my throat to get their attention, two of the girls stood up. One girl used a scoop to put some trail mix into a baggie...while the other girl explained that this concoction (Cheerios, mini-marshmallows and raisins) was the same basic ratio of fat to carbs that farmers use for pig feed.
I tried to get a picture of the look on Lilly's face.
Well, that's a bummer. Hope you wrote a review. Or, maybe something happened that prevented some of the advertised activities from happening.....