Clearly, our days were jam-packed with workouts. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT, PEOPLE!! But, no matter how hard you're working -- there will be some down time. And, this year, I had WAY MORE ENERGY than I did last year....
Of course, snacking is NOT AN OPTION |
One of my problem habits is NIGHT TIME SNACKING. And it helps me if I have an alternative activity to keep my mind off the potato chips...
Of course, there is always television. We all know I am the QUEEN of trashy television shows. I watch all the Real Housewives, The Bachelor, etc. Last year, I got Rhonda hooked on Dance Mom's. So -- this year -- what was the big winner for the Trash Television Program?
Yep. BELOW DECK. Thank you, Bravo!!
We didn't need to use the table for EATING... |
So -- I decided to work on a jigsaw puzzle. |
Every day, there was a little bit of progress...and it kept my mind off potato chips... |
The holidays are coming...and food is SUCH A BIG PART of every celebration. I know I'm not the only one...It's hard for everybody...but I am trying to focus on the big picture....and, who are we kidding...I NEED TO BUY MORE PUZZLES...
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