If things are going right in my world -- Thursday is WARREN DAY at my house. He sleeps here on Wednesday, and every Thursday we spend the day playing and exploring the world together.
Warren Day has always been a favorite part of Frankie's life. |
After Fat Camp, I started walking on my treadmill again... |
Of course, at four years old, Warren has to be WITHIN MY EYESIGHT at all times. |
So, I have a very special box of wooden toy soldiers that he plays with on the steps. |
As I'm walking, Warren is marching his little army of hand-carved soldiers... |
There are dozens of soldiers, painted three or four different colors. The box holds bagpipe players, horses, cannons, little wagons...it is a huge, complete collection that somebody painstakingly made. |
Warren doesn't have the game of war in him, tho. His whole deal is TRAINS...and he lines everything up, as though it was a train. Any kind of toy gets lined up...little plastic people, legos, blocks, cars, animals... |
Years ago, I bought this huge collection of hand-carved wooden toys at an auction for $15. Warren wasn't even born yet -- but I thought it was sad that somebody did ALL THAT WORK -- and it was about to be sold for next to nothing.
Oh, yeah. Treasure, eh? In more ways than one...
Both Warren & you will always have this special memory....LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!