We are an excellent team -- and we've been doing this for a long time now. One of our lesser known talents is that we offer free babysitting. Well, actually, the only other time we babysat was for Mary's niece Sarah -- who lives in Norway. After our night of babysitting with Elias and Stella -- nine months later, they welcomed a new baby sister...and I thought they should name her "Marita"...but they did not. But, hey -- they DID name her Maia...(spelling in question)...
So -- picture this. Mary is visiting Iowa. It's Emily's birthday. I offered to go to their house and babysit so Elliott could take Emily out for dinner. (Their FIRST night out since Warren was born on January 1.) Lillian is delighted. Pictured here -- playing Bingo -- after a rousing game of Chutes and Ladders.
Warren is a very happy, content baby...and of course, we have the vigilant Sophie who is like a third member of the babysitting team...
But -- hey -- two kids REQUIRES at least two babysitters. There was a lot to do. Supper, bath, games...YIKES....
At one point, Mary was in the living room with Warren and I was in the bathroom, getting the bath tub ready for Lilly (finding the bubble stuff, toys, towels, pajamas, etc.)
Lilly pulled her shirt over her head, and said, "I'm going to run out there naked because I think Mary will enjoy it."
Before I could say a word -- she ran out of the bathroom SQUEALING with all her might. Warren was startled...and I don't think Mary enjoyed it as much as Lillian hoped...
Hey -- we are GREAT babysitters. And I will let you know what happens nine months from now...
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