Since the DAY she was born -- Lillian has had a live-in best friend. Sophie. They do everything together.

Last week -- Lillian had a play date with Carrie's daughter Elizabeth and she FELL I LOVE WITH Elizabeth's pet bunny,THUMPER...
Kim, Carrie and I were standing in the kitchen chatting while the girls were petting soft, furry, beautiful bunny-pet Thumper. Lillian was so excited, she jumped up and said "I want a bunny, Grandma."
I replied, "That probably won't happen, honey, because dogs and bunnies don't get along."
Without a moment of hesitation, she said, "We'll just get rid of the dogs."
Wow....that was quick. We three grown women exchanged raised eyebrows and chuckled...
Lilly sat back down on the floor to pet Thumper. Suddenly -- she was holding her head in her hands -- crying -- with tears streaming down her face -- sobbing so hard her whole body was shaking...
Both Kim and Carrie were stunned -- they worried that Lilly had been punched or bitten (by Elizabeth and Thumper, respectively?)....they asked, ''ELIZABETH -- WHAT DID YOU DO?"
I was right next to the girls, and I knew nothing like that had happened. But Lilly was heartbroken and the tears were completely spontaneous and seemingly for no reason... Holding her in my arms, her whole body was wracked with sobs...and she could not calm herself enough to even tell me why she was crying...
Finally, after a few minutes...she gulped out these words...

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