Friday, December 6, 2019

Black Friday, Part Two

I apologize for these blog posts being kinda wacky and OUT OF ORDER.....the biggest problem is that I'm working on a new (to me) strange laptop...and I am having trouble accessing my pictures.

The thing is, I've spent so much time HYPING the Art of Homemaking Exhibit...when I was actually able to download the card from my camera...I COULDN'T WAIT TO SHOW YOU...

But yesterday's post was just a tease.....and I promise --  there will be more. -- MUCH, MUCH more...tomorrow, I'll be making a special announcement...and next week it will be ALL ABOUT THE ART OF HOMEMAKING.

but right now -- I'm going back to the day BEFORE we set up the Exhibit...


For me, Black Friday was a TRUE DAY OFF.

Rhonda and I started the day with a tour of my sister-Ronda's house.  Then, we went into Davenport to the fabulous Festival of Trees. (I left my camera in the car, so I am counting on Rhonda for those pictures.)
Friday night, Rhonda had two giant GIFT BAGS for the kids.
Warren was seriously trying to impress Rhonda with his new reading and spelling abilities...
Rhonda gave them light-up balloons -- which lasted for FOUR DAYS...
After supper (delicious Tacho's -- recipe to follow) -- we got busy building Gingerbread Houses.
Those kits are AMAZING...but they never have enough frosting.  I made a fresh batch...(3 egg whites, and enough confectioner's sugar to make it stiff)...
Warren knew EXACTLY how he wanted his house to look...(note the perfect symmetry of his gum drops).
Lilly's approach is a little more Avant-garde  
We also ran out of candy, so they used cereal, pretzels, etc...
Time for bed.  The kids blew up the air mattress....
Frankie keeps a careful watch on everybody in the house....

1 comment:

  1. Love Tachos! We discovered them at our fun 1950's diner, Johnny Rockets.
