Tuesday, January 22, 2019


1 Big snow + 2 kids + 35 degree temp + perfect hill + Aunt Jeanne = BEST DAY EVER..!!

Saturday night, when the kids and I went out into the snow, I realized Warren had NEVER BEEN SLEDDING. Are you kidding me? How is this even possible?

So, of course, that became my MISSION.

Fortunately,  by Sunday morning, the snow was done falling.  My brother Cal cleared my long driveway (he has lots of big equipment, tractors, plows and the like -- along with 60 years of experience).  When he came in for his coffee/cheesecake break, I asked if he thought I could get my car up his driveway -- to bring the kids sledding?

He said that in an hour or so -- that would be QUITE POSSIBLE...and they'd be looking for us.

I used most of that time shortening snowpants for the two of them...and actually FINDING a proper pair of snow boots (I knew I had them SOMEWHERE)...
The foam snow boards ($3 each at the Salvation Army) I brought home LAST SUMMER turned out to be the perfect snow vehicles...
Aunt Jeanne had a "Jet Sled" that was a great addition to our adventures...
Aunt Jeanne brought a snow shovel -- and she actually SHOVELED SNOW over the spots on the driveway that Cal had already cleared...
This is a PERFECT, steep hill for this activity. And once the kids get going...they slide across the drive, down into a second yard...no trees to hit...no other people around...THIS IS HEAVEN
Of course, there is the walk back up the hill...
But the temps were mild...and it was the PERFECT DAY.
Thanks to my brother's wife, Aunt Jeanne...
Jeanne took one wild ride down with Warren...HILARIOUS...
I went in the house to visit with Cal...and he had the door open, listening to the kids laughing and going down the hill in his front yard. I'm pretty sure Jeanne was having as much fun as Lilly and Warren...

After an hour or so -- the kids came into the house and we all had a snack of HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES Jeanne had made for this special occasion.

Neither Lilly nor Warren understood what was happening on that day...because, well, they're kids.  And they can't possibly know that a day like this only happens once-in-a-lifetime...

But I knew....


  1. What fun! What a neat day! They will remember those adventures forever! You're so cool! Enjoy your day!

  2. I am a retired kindergarten teacher and your sledding adventure reminds me of a book I read to my kids called A Perfect Day for It by Jan Fearnley. Hopefully your library has it!
