I am still trying to figure out this new laptop -- and how Windows 10 works with Blogger...But, trust me -- I WILL GET IT SOONER OR LATER. Since the meltdown, there have been so many things I wanted to blog about...it will take some time to catch up.
Like -- for example -- making a Snowman. When's the last time you did that? We had our first real snow sometime back in November...and it was beautiful -- but pitiful at the same time.
The weather was mild, so the snow wasn't going to last long...but it was the PERFECT CONSISTENCY to make a snowman. And it hit me that morning that it had been many years since I'd made a snowman...and, really, in my entire long wonderful life, I probably only made 5 or 6 of them...
So -- Even though I had some exciting pre-Christmas things planned for that day -- I decided that the kids and I would stay home and MAKE A SNOWMAN. We didn't have to rush it...we had all day...and I'd make grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, with hot chocolate (and lots of marshmallows)…
The problem was there was only about 2" of snow on the ground...and when you tried to roll a snowball, it got full of leaves... |
The kids were spending more time picking out leaves than they were spending rolling snowballs... |
But Lilly and Warren were working as a team... |
I was trying to encourage them...but this wasn't looking very promising... |
Lilly was determined...Warren was losing interest... |
At some point, I thought the lesson was "size doesn't matter"...a small snowman can be just as interesting as a large snowman... |
We had to "make do"for their snow clothes...(Warren is wearing Lilly's old snow boots, three pair of jogging pants, and a big pair of swimtrunks)... |
The kids took a break to make Snow Angels. |
Of course, the fun part is the accessorizing... |
Warren wanted it to be a boy (thus, the safari hat)...Lilly said it looked like a girl (so, the shawl)… |
I said it doesn't matter...and we didn't have to decide if it was a boy or girl...actually, it might be best if we let our Snow creature decide for him/her self... |
When we were finished...we stepped away...and I said the kids did a wonderful job... |
Lilly got a serious look on her face...and she said, "So, we've built a transsexual snowperson?" |
Oh, yeah. It's a new world they're living in...
Beautiful pictures!! Looks like y'all had "snow" much fun making a snow person. It's really fun. Love the oranges and carrots for it's face. I'm sorry you're having a rough time with the windows thingy. If I knew how it works, I would try to help. Y'all's snow angels are awesome too. I'm so happy yall had a snow day! Enjoy your day! :-) :-)