Friday, January 6, 2017

1970 Pictures!!

Elliott got a new cellphone -- and he discovered that he can take a photo of an old slide -- and convert it to a jpg.  Yes, technology CAN BE a good thing...

At first, John gave him a bunch of slides from his submarine/Navy days. That was fun.

Then -- Elliott started to email me some pictures from our Newlywed years.


Wow...I only wish I had known then what I know now...

Because, in the summer of 1970, I did not know that I would never look better...

Me -- the summer of 1970. John and I were dating -- this picture was taken in Virginia, overlooking the Potomac River.  I remember those blue pants -- and that white top was my FAVORITE.  I wore it two or three times a week.
In our first apartment in Arlington, Virginia. My birthday, 1971. John made me a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. I sewed that tablecloth.
When I saw that picture (for the first time in 40+ years) -- I told Elliott the cake became the Farro family tradition. The flowers were an anomaly.
In 1973, John and I standing in front of our first house. In Friedensburg, Pennsylvania.
Here's the thing, people. When I was in my 20's, I avoided being in pictures because I THOUGHT I WAS FAT. Holy Cow. I was a completely normal size 12-14. 

BUT I WAS SO VERY UNHAPPY WITH MY BODY...ALWAYS DIETING...making myself crazy, trying to lose weight.

The next 30 years was a roller coaster of yo yo dieting.  I'd lose 20 pounds, then gain 30.  It was a constant up and down for me...I was never happy, I could never accept my body.

Looking at these pictures, it hit me for the first time.  I was perfect.


By buying into the whole unrealistic Madison Avenue depiction of the perfect woman -- I destroyed my metabolism and doubled my weight.

AND, OH MY GOD, THE TIME AND ENERGY I WASTED..!! If only I had accepted what my body looked like when I was 21 years

Thanks a lot, Twiggy!!

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