Our first afternoon at Mary's house, we had A LOT TO DO...
This is my only picture of the three of us that afternoon. IT IS HARD TO TAKE A GOOD SELFIE...and that selfie-stick makes perfect sense. |
But buying a selfie-stick would be admitting you are a self-absorbed, vain person who believes the whole world is dying to see one more picture of you, taken by you, AGAIN AND AGAIN...and who wants to be that girl??
And you might be thinking that because I'm writing about my trip to Aurora to visit Mary, I'm finished with the Singer Featherweight reporting...but, alas, (and you know how much I love to use that word) -- you would be wrong...
Because MARY HAS A FEATHERWEIGHT. I cannot believe I didn't take a picture of her beautiful scroll-face beauty (we did a complete spa treatment) -- but I did snag this one pic of it sitting on the floor, in the box... |
But, make no mistake, THE MAIN REASON FOR THIS TRIP TO AURORA is to attend the Opening Night of the Opera. This year, the
Northern Lights Music Festival is performing "Madame Butterfly".
Some of the best singers and musicians in the world have traveled for thousands of miles to perform ...and, even though I know nothing about Opera -- I could not be more excited.
Dressed up -- ready to go to the Opera. |
Finding the best seats in the house. |
And it is a VERY IMPRESSIVE house!! |
This magnificent theater was built in the 20's...with money from the mining companies... |
This high school auditorium has wonderful acoustics (the building also has a SWIMMING POOL) |
Even the staircases are grand. |
Mary and her handsome husband Doug, during the intermission. |
The geisha girls served up some Madame Butterfly treats. |
My best picture of the three of us. THE OPERA WAS AMAZING... |
It is beyond shocking that a small town like Aurora, Minnesota has a first-rate classical music Festival every summer. The caliber of the musical talent is off the charts -- some students come from Europe or Asia...
As per usual, when something wonderful comes together you can thank a woman. In this case --
Veda Zuponic. Veda grew up in Aurora, became a world class pianist and professor...and -- well, as they say -- the rest is history.
The people in the region enjoy concerts for three weeks. At various locations -- in churches, civic centers, high school auditoriums. For 12 years, the event has grown, and the population has been exposed to classical music, Broadway performances, violin and/or piano concertos, and OPERA.
If you live on the Iron Range in northern Minnesota -- FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD -- no matter who you are, or what your job is, you get to say to each other...
"See You At the Opera..."
Hmmm....wonder how many get your maddening crowd reference. I actually have read the book.