Every Saturday -- I spend the day with my friend Bert. We kick around, go to auctions, do some garage-saling, maybe stop at a church rummage sale or a Goodwill store. We love our Saturdays. The problem, of course -- is that we both have WAY TOO MUCH STUFF. Although Bert is more discerning than me -- my biggest problem is that I absolutely must buy the thing (whatever it is) if I think it's cheaper than it should be.
On a recent Saturday (remember -- it's AUGUST), I met Bert for breakfast -- we did some "junkin" -- and I put the new "treasure" in the back seat of my Taurus, on top of the old "treasure" (the trunk has been full for 2 years). I have puzzles, games, clothes, probably 40 books or books on tape, a riding toy, a car seat (laying sideways), a $1 lampshade, and a huge pregnancy pillow (only $5). Trust me -- it's PILED HIGH...
I also have four bags of groceries sitting on the passenger seat...along with more books, several totebags from the classes I've been taking...and, oh, yeah -- there were also two big bags full of end-of-the-summer-beach-towel-bargains I bought at Dillard's.
Driving through the small town of LeClaire, Iowa -- I got pulled over by a policeman. I wasn't too worried, because I knew I was not speeding...
Officer: Your tags are expired,Mrs. Farro.
Me: (inside my head, screaming a curse word) Sorry, Officer.
Him: They were due way back in March...
Me: (screaming double curse words in my head) So sorry, officer... Him: Your tags are so far out of date, I have the right to have your vehicle towed...
Me: (thinking -- that'll cost $200) Sorry, officer...
Him: And this insurance card you've given me is from 2008. If you do not have a current card, I could write you another ticket for $375.
At this point -- I was completely stricken. He could order that my car be towed -- and then give me a $375 ticket on TOP of the $100 "expired-tags-ticket" I already had in my hand. I swallowed hard....wondering if tears might help. (I'm pretty sure that only works for blondes) As I was trying to work up a sob or two...
He said: "But, you look like a nice lady -- and, obviously, you're in the middle of a move -- and I'm sure you have a lot on your mind..."
The next few moments are a blur. Forget crying! It was all I could do to stifle the hysterical laughter rising up inside me...
As he gave me back my license (thankfully, IT was current) -- I said, "thank-you, officer. If I'd been towed, I never would have heard the end of it. But I'm pretty sure I can keep this ticket a secret..."
He smiled, and wished me luck...(with the "move", I'm sure...)
I'M GONNA CLEAN MY CAR. But -- to commemorate the moment -- and as a first step in my recovery process -- I took a picture of the back seat of my car.

Yes, my name is Rita. And I have way too much stuff...
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