On Pat's very last day, we went to an auction in DeWitt. We had barely walked in when I noticed them selling a box of silverware. Everybody knows what a sucker I am for old silverplate...and I liked the box itself. It was painted white, with a faded decal on the top...so I bid. Before I even got a decent look at what was IN the box...I whistled in my bid.
I GOT IT FOR $12.50. |
It was FULL. The flatware was all contained in sectioned bags, made out of soft flannel...there were these six beautiful, heavy forks... |
When I started to open the bags, I couldn't believe how many piece there were... |
There was a FULL SET OF TWELVE. Associated Silver. The pattern is Younx. |
I tried to take a close up picture of the markings on the back... |
On my second attempt, I almost got a picture of myself! |
Because most of it had been in the flannel bags, there is no tarnish...it is pristine... |
This is my best picture of the pattern. |
Wow. |
Pat was flying home that day -- so we went directly from the auction to the airport. But I was anxious to see what I actually bought at the auction (I also won several boxes of linens, tablecloths, dishtowels, etc). We parked in the cellphone lot of the Moline International Airport ...got out of the car, popped the trunk, and opened the white chest full of silver.
THANKS, Pat -- for bringing me such good luck!!
Gorgeous! That's some Ritaluck!!!