Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Grandma Entertainment

One night, Lilly was spending the night  -- and taking her "Grandma bath" (she calls it that because I don't wash her hair)...she called our bar of soap "old school". I took that as a compliment.

Everybody's Grandma should be considered "old school". THAT'S PART OF THE JOB. To show them where they came explain how things used to be. When they grow up -- times with Grandma should be remembered as the "good old days"

In this day and age of non-stop entertainment/video games/I-pads, etc. -- it's very hard to get kids off that digital/lightening bolt ride. Lilly is no different. She has a video player in the backseat of her van, her own I-Pad, and loves Angry Birds on her Mom's I-phone.  When she is watching a Disney Princess movie, she gets into "the zone"...

But when she comes to my house -- that stuff just isn't available. We do quiet things together. Ordinary chores, a little cooking, a little sewing, maybe some cards or a puzzle. She helps to set the table, folds the napkins, calls the boys to dinner. If we do watch a movie, it's "something we'd both enjoy".  As you can imagine, there is always a TREASURE HUNT in the basement...Recently, she discovered a long forgotten Mason jar full of buttons...

First, she dumped the buttons into a pan so she could see what she had...
Then, she sorted he buttons into cupcake cups.
She was trying to get a count...
With a large needle, she started stringing the groups of buttons together.
Lilly played with those buttons for hours. And the next time she comes, I'm pretty sure she'll be looking for her new button collection. Thanks to my friend Kathy, we even figured out the old one button on a string game...

You never know what a child will remember. But I'll put a box of buttons up against Angry Birds anytime...

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