This is my young friend Annabelle. Her mother, Sarah, is my friend Lorna's daughter. And on this day -- Annabelle is taking swimming lessons at a college in Dubuque, Iowa. Her Grandma and I took a little day trip so we could see her in action...
The indoor pool at Loras College is beautiful and the lessons are very well-run...
Our weather has been NUTS this year -- spring was wet and windy...but hey -- we live in Iowa, where you learn to have a GREAT TIME despite the weather. (if you live in California, you have a great time BECAUSE of the weather...that's just one of our little differences...)
A three generation picture -- Lorna, Sarah and Annabelle. Sarah treated us to a special lunch at the Olive Garden...then she gave us a little tour of her town.
Sarah lives in Dyersville, Iowa. Here's the interesting thing.
Dyersville has something that you do not have in your town...
Any guesses?
I think you will be surprised...I know I was...
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