Monday, October 15, 2012

Grandma Rita's 1970's Technology

One of the things I love about my daughter-in-law is that she LOVES THRIFT SHOPPING. The day Lilly came, wearing this beautiful funky little dress (I wasn't quick enough to get a picture of her WEARING the darn thing) -- the first thing Emily said was, "I found it at the Goodwill store!"

It would be SO EASY TO MAKE -- just cut the kit strips and sew them is sooo adorable...

This was one of our last summer lunches on the porch. Lillian loves to help set the table -- folding the napkins is her special job. And, of course, she gets to pick out her own plate. There is an assortment in the low cupboard for her -- Barbie plates, princess plates, holiday plates...

I love that the things she does at Grandma's house are completely different from the things she does at her own house...eating on the porch, watching the hummingbirds, folding the napkins...AND listening to books on tape via a CASSETTE PLAYER...

Books on tape have always been a part of my life. I listen to them in my car, on long road trips, or just driving to the grocery store...I listen to them when I'm on the treadmill, or sewing or washing the dishes...I have listened to hundreds of books while I'm traveling or working...and the technology NEVER got any better than a cassette tape, people.  Don't laugh.  I know it's a 1970's technology....but I'm telling you -- I still miss the cassette player in my car.  With CD's, I often completely lose track of where I was...and then I have to listen to the whole chapter, to try to figure it out...ugh...
I have some children's books on tape -- and when Lillian lays down (NOT FOR A NAP, PEOPLE -- JUST TO REST FOR A MINUTE)...I put a book into the tape player...and well -- I'm just sayin'.....
So Emily knows to keep her eyes peeled -- because the only place to buy cassette tapes or players is AT THRIFT STORES...(I do have several spares, just in case...)

1 comment:

  1. The problem is finding a tape player. My old one broke and the new one isn't as good. Thinking about converting the tapes to CD's. It is getting harder and harder to find cassette players.
