Oh, yes -- to answer Saturday's question -- I DID GO TO TARGET on Sunday to check out the Jason Wu collection. But it was a real fizzle if you ask me. I thought the designs were boring -- the fabrics were cheesy and the colors were drab.
ALL GOOD NEWS PEOPLE...because I was not even tempted to buy anything. lol.
Also -- it's a very small collection. Mostly just women's clothes, I think. Missoni had home goods, clothes, luggage, boots, linens, even a BIKE...
I will post some pictures when I get a chance...because it's true what they say --a picture really is worth 1000 words.
So -- for your picture entertainment today -- I'm posting a picture I got from a blog reader. This really tickled me...
It is such a good idea -- I honestly cannot imagine why I didn't think of it myself...
It's called "spaghetti dogs"...and you'll figure it out in a minute...
I LOVE IT...and the very next time Lilly is here -- this will be her lunch!!
THANKS, BECKY, for sharing...
I've seen the Spaghetti Dogs all over the WEB. Pictures to me today are worth a lot more. I think I broke my camera. Hope I just hit the wrong BUTTON... I need a Camera to BLOG!