You can only imagine how delighted I was to find this sweater on quarter day at my local Goodwill store...
That's right -- a little black dog on the lapel...with a much bigger little black dog on the back of the sweater...

Which, by cutting up a stuffed bear (Lilly is not into bears) -- I managed to turn into a little WHITE dog...

Then, I hung the sweater on Lilly's "clothes rack". Which is actually a little towel stand that just happens to be the PERFECT height for those baby hangers...

On this visit -- she went right into her room to check out what was on her rack...AND she picked the Sophie Sweater -- it was in her hand before I could even take a picture!

Although, she insisted on wearing it backwards....

Which, actually, made perfect sense to me...
That is just too cute. I would not have thought of cutting up a bear!