Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kodak Moments

Okay -- you already know I watch a lot of reality television. I love American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Project Runway, the Real Housewives of Orange County -- well -- you get the idea.

So -- it's no surprise that I'm watching the new "Hoarding" show on TLC. And, I'm thinking "those poor people".

Yeah, right. Like I'M NOT ONE OF 'EM!!

I know many of you were horrified when I posted this picture of my basement...

And you know my boys wanted to call the American Picker's to come take a look in my Ford Taurus...

Yesterday I wrote about my current BIG JOB. Cleaning up the in-house-dumptster that used to be my office. I've made some good progress -- and I am wishing I had some pictures of the "before".

After years of piling it up -- just that quickly, I could see the carpet again...and I MISSED the Kodak moment that would remind me of how bad it was....I SHOULD have taken pictures. Unbelievable rubble...

But my biggest fear is that if I actually posted those pictures -- one day there would be a knock on my door. And it would be Oprah with a camera crew...or that Clean House guy...or the TLC Hoarding Show people.

Really...I can't imagine how they get people to go on those shows...I would die of embarrassment...seriously...if I saw Oprah pulling down my lane, I'd have to set the house on fire...

So -- I did NOT take the before'll have to use your imagination. But I am looking forward to posting the "after" shots...

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