Monday, December 21, 2009

Fox River Web Site

Bonne already sent me an email -- after this mornings post -- about taking a tour of the Fox River sock factory.

I cannot believe I didn't do this sooner -- but here's the actual Fox River Mills Website

It's a GREAT website -- with information about finding a store in your own area -- OR ONLINE ORDERING. And their prices are excellent, with free shipping if you order more than $50.

I wish I'd gone there sooner. DUH. But I didn't realize until the socks came what the name of the company was...

1 comment:

  1. My Mother made some of these on the farm in Iowa years ago. Now I'm in Washington state and great socks still make excellent gifts too. Would you believe in finding a store, one is near the town of McKenna on our highway under a 100# away.

    I'm going to buy socks even if not making monkeys. The website also shows all the sewing directions and details including an elephant toy.
