Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Birthday KIM

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SUMMER DAY we had. 2009 has been a cool and breezy summer here in Iowa, and we could NOT be more grateful. It seems New Jersey got our usual hail storms with a mix of tornados and Seattle got our sweltering suck-the-air-out-of-your-lungs 100 degree heatwave. Wow. Who knew that could happen?

Meanwhile, Kim & I have spent many beautiful summer mornings sitting on the porch, drinking a nice cup of hot coffee. GO FIGURE.

Although I'm quite sure ya'll are sick to death of my porch pictures -- I just can't help myself.
The most interesting thing about this picture is that you can see the people who love me think it's a good idea to DRESS to match my porch!

I love it , love it, love it when people go along and play my little zebra stripe game...

As I post this picture, I'm on my way to Kim's house for a piece of her birthday cheesecake.

Oh, yeah -- life is good. Kim always says, "we'll take this"...

Happy Birthday, Cuz! YOU ARE THE BEST...


  1. Great job on the blog, Rita! You've got lots of pictures (we love the pictures) and lots of interesting posts. Have you tried a Picasa collage yet? That's one of my favorite ways to display pictures that really capture the spirit of a day.

    Susan Chesney

  2. GO SUSAN! I love, love, love getting comments. And I have three regular blog readers so far...I'm just sure of it!!
