First of all -- I'd like to start this week off by thanking all of my friends in Sew Expo land for the emails and IM's on Facebook!! YOU ROCK -- and I MISS YOU, TOO!!
I started writing this Monday-Morning laundry blog post, and went looking for a picture of Laura (who sent me a picture of HER laundry room).
Of course, I got lost in thousands of Sew Expo photos -- and decided to post some of them -- all that great energy and wonderful sewing enthusiasm in Puyallup, Washington. I've said it over and over again -- but I can never say it enough.
WOMEN WHO SEW ARE THE BEST...THE KINDEST, MOST GENEROUS people in the entire world. You know who you are...
I have been thinking of my Puyallup friends a lot lately -- of course --
WITH SEATTLE going to the Super Bowl. CONGRATULATIONS, EVERYBODY...(be sure they take an extra football pump)...
Once I started looking for the picture of Laura, giving me a gift -- it was like eating potato chips. Every one of these pictures is about a woman who gave me a gift. I could not find ALL the pictures I wanted... Sorry, Chris and Judy, Joyce, Nola, Sharon, Marianne, Rosalyn, Barbara, Lori, Ann, Betty , Linda and Marilyn -- I know I have great pictures of you...but I only had an hour to look....
We hooked up with Pam and Gail AT THE know where this is, right?? |
The next picture is NOT the one I went looking for -- but it is the right girl!! Gheesh...I am getting completely OFF TOPIC...because I was simply distracted by all the recent Seattle/Tacoma emails and IM's...
Laura Mendoza, working with a model back stage....She was the one who called me on the carpet when I did NOT post the "before" pictures of my laundry room. We had a little exchange via email... |
THEN --Laura IM'd a picture of her own laundry room -- located in her garage.
I asked Laura's permission to use this picture on my blog... |
Here is our actual IM exchange:
Laura: Here's my lovely laundry set-up. Not much better than yours. Yes, that's the front end of my SUV just a couple feet away from washer.
Rita: GREAT you mind if I share it on my blog, Laura?
Laura: That's fine. As you can see, I didn't even try to straighten up before I snapped the
Rita: Now -- how would I know that, Laura?? I would have to bring in a back hoe for six hours in order to have my laundry room look THAT good!!
And, if you think I'm kidding -- you'll have to tune in NEXT Monday. I really will post the honest, unvarnished, embarrassing "BEFORE" picture of my laundry room.