Monday, January 21, 2019
Midnight Snow Angels
Friday, it started to snow...and it kept on snowing...for hours and hours. Because it rained first -- the roads are terrible. And our DISH television went out. ugh.
No matter how much Grandma-game I think I've Saturday night, my bag of tricks is just about empty...
At 9:00 PM, I took Frankie outside...and I had to shovel a spot near the house so he could "do his business" without standing in 10" of snow.
I realized this snow was the PERFECT CONSISTENCY TO MAKE SNOWBALLS. Hey, I'm old. I actually know what a rare thing this is...
Of course, I made a big, beautiful snowball and brought it into the house to show the kids...but they didn't seem too interested...until I broke it into smaller pieces and started to throw it at them...
They chased me all over the was my very first indoor snowball fight...when I suggested we TAKE IT OUTSIDE...
It took us an hour to cobble together two outfits that would be snow-worthy. Warren had purple boots that used to belong to Lilly...and she had two DIFFERENT boots...(only one was a snowboot)…there may have been some duct tape involved...
By the time we finally got outside, it was 10 PM...and the air had changed, so you couldn't make a snowball. It was powdery and dry...
They made snow angels...looking up into the dark night sky, with the snow gently falling...I gave them the two foam snow "boards" I picked up several months ago at a thrift store (just in case!)...and they went around to the other side of the house to our one pitiful little hill (we have outdoor lights on all four sides of our house)...
OMG...those kids HAD A BALL....
I knew my pictures were gonna suck...but I could not resist trying...
Maybe you just had to be there...
That's so cool. I'm sure they really had fun! Duct tape works wonders! Have a great night!! :-) :-)